Alright, seeing as the last site did not work out due to inactivity, I've started this new website. This website will be a lot more active then the previous one and will be updated a lot more. As you can see, there are some new features, and some still needing to be added. New Features:
· Downloads Section - With this section you can upload your AMV's, videos, photos, small programs, music, etc with a limit of 10 MB I believe. I know it's a small ammount but think of it this way, tons and tons of different stuff being uploaded by different users, doesn't seem so small now, hmm? I will also be using the Downloads section to upload manga, so keep checking back.
Features Coming Soon:
· Gallery - The Gallery will be staying, so you can use it to upload your pictures to the site, have it commented or not commented on, and allow others to view it. This includes anime pictures, member photos, wallpapers, etc. But please do not upload hentai or porn, it will be deleted immediately without warning.
· Forums - You thought the forums would go away? No! This is where you can have a discussion with more than one person and share your thoughts and feelings on a certain topic. I had intended to keep the forums.
· Online Anime - I am currently working on that. The Online Anime section will be added to the menu once it is ready for viewing. The Online Anime section will consist of all of the anime I can think of and can get on there, plus the anime that is suggested to me.
More features are to come soon! You may PM me, Kyoshi, on the site if you're a member (It's free) and suggest a feature. I will see what I can do about suggested features. Thanks for reading!